I finally brought the Mabinogion, and I have been reading through it and making notes of characters that might possibly show up as the girl is running. The idea that I had was the girl running, and the figures appearing in the sky behind her, which has the potential to look really pretty if done right! But first I needed to decide what figures would show up, so I skimmed the Mabinogion quickly for some characters that stood out.
The first was Rhiannon. She appears throughout the four branches of the Mabinogion, and first appears riding a horse that cannot be caught.
Blodeuwedd is another character I am looking at. She is a woman made from flowers, who was turned into an owl because she betrayed her husband.
I think that these are probably the only characters that I will take from the book itself. I might also include a generic hunter type person, and a blacksmith, because smelting iron was considered to be something great/ magical people did back in pre-Christian Wales.
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