Sunday, 22 May 2011
Deadline tomorrow!
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At the beginning of this year I was given the freedom to create my own short film, a project that would last throughout the year. Working on this film for the past year has had both positive and negative moments, but I have learnt a lot. I think that in the long run, I have had a rather positive year, but a disappointing finish.
When I began the project I already had a rough idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted to explore a very specific part of Welsh mythology, the Cwn Annwn. I was inspired heavily by books I had read as a child, and I was excited to begin. The first half of the year was spent around pre production, and I quickly found that I had trouble conveying my ideas to others in a coherent way. Various ideas bounced back and forth between the lecturers and I, but I knew that I wanted to focus on a little girl and her relationship with these dogs. It was also going to be an oppourtunity for me to challenge myself with character animation. My ideas were not strong in the beginning, which resulted in a less than positive critique in November, but I left with new ideas with which to take my project. These ideas improved over the christmas break, and I returned with final character designs and new storyboard drafts. Because pre production is one of my favourite parts of the project, I probably spent too much time on this section, giving me less time for the actual production stages. I had a little trouble with how people read my film, which is something I defintiely want to work on for the future, but my storyboards were finally approved late February/ early March, at which point I could begin animating.
Because I wanted to challenge myself I did give myself a lot of difficult shots, types of movement that I have never tried before, and animating dogs, something else that is new to me. Trying to get the movements right did become frustrating at times, even when I had a lot of reference footage, but overall I was very proud of some of my more difficult scenes. I decided to take a different route to my animating because I wanted to get it as good as I possibly could, and so I began by blocking out everything and getting that right before aniamting any details, such as eyes and clothes, onto the girl. This proved to be both an effective and uneffective way of working. On one hand, I was able to get the movement right, but on the other hand it was time consuming and ate up much more of my time than I had planned. Because of this, everything ended up finishing much later than I had planned, and I made the decision to take a more digital route and animate directly into the computer, not only allowing me fast linetests, but also allowing me to copy and paste items such as eyes and heads so no only did they stay the right shape, but it made the process of detailing much faster. Because of this, I finished detialing my animation within a few weeks, which was fortunate because I had severly overrun my time with the blocking section, preventing me from sticking to my schedule.
In the weeks leading up to the final deadline, I began lineart and realised that the process that I had chosen was a lot more time consuming than expected, espeically for the girl whose lineart included a large variety of colours. I had decided on using coloured lineart to create a lineless style early on, because I was pleased with the way the concepts came out, and tests showed me that it could look very nice. Unfortunately, it was time consuming, and while I managed to finish most of the lineart, there were still around 8 scenes of rough animation at the time of the deadline. Another problem which displayed itself at the deadline was saving each image. I had been trying to work pretty fast to keep up with the work load, but because of this I didn't take the time to save each image correctly, so when I time came to edit everything together, I had to do this first, wasting a lot of time and ultimately preventing me from putting all of the lineart in the film for the deadline. I am very disappointed in myself because of this, because I have been working extremely hard to get this film finished, and at the time of the deadline I am handing in an unfinished piece. The cut I am handing in for my deadline makes it look like I have not done a lot of work, especially since the last crit. Another thing I did not take into account was backgrounds, and my film currently lacks most of them. I found that I put them off because I was focused on finishing quicker tasks, and because I do not enjoy drawing backgrounds. This is defintiely a weakness of mine, one that has ultimately let me down, and one which I am eager to fix for future projects. A series of unfortunate events have also conspired against me this time round, as I contracted Repetitive Strain Injury in both wrists and my drawing hand, making it painful to grip a pen, even when wearing supports. Desapite this I have worked as hard as I possibly could, and actually got a large amount of the film done within the space of the last week, which unfortunately cannot be seen in this hand in. I have also been suffering with laptop problems, making some processes much longer than they should have been. My last problem has been with music. I have a wonderfully talented person composing the music for me, and the first draft he sent fit the animation beautifully. However, he has been unable to fix the timing on the music in time for my deadline, because he has his own exams to focus on, and the timing of my film has changed drastically, so that the point in music do not suit what is happening on screen at all in some parts, except for parts of the ending which are only slightly off. The final music will be finished sometime next week after his exams, so it will be ready in time for the grady show, which is lucky!
However, while I have not fininshed my film in time for the deadline, I definitely want to continue working on it, and to make it as good as I possibly can. I have enjoyed working on this film a lot, and I hope that when it is finished that people will enjoy watching it! Working on this film has also helped with my time maangment skills, though it may not seem like it. Working on this film made me put in so many more hours than usual, and much harder than usual, helping me to become a more dedicated person and making it easier to stop procrastinating. As these are topics that I often want to improve upon in most projects, I think it was a positive point that I have been correcting them in this project! Another positive point is that I have worked in the studios much more, and been able to interact with the other students, offering and recieving advice, which I hadn't done often before this year. The long hours in the studio got a lot of work done, but in some ways it made work more enjoyable for me!
Overall I think that my successes and failures on this project have been mixed. I do not think that the project itself has gone particularly well because of the version I am handing in, despite the amount of work I have done, it is extremely frustrating to see the copy that I will be marked on. I am pleased with most of my animation, and I believe that I have progressed greatly since first year, and hopefully I shall continue to do so. However, I do believe that I was slightly ambitious in the time frame given, and while I did try and get help from other students, very few people responded and most of those that did dropped out on me due to other commitments. Despite the rough journey that this film has been through, I do think that I have improved as an animator and a worker greatly, and while this project did not go as well as I wanted to, hopefully the next one will go better!
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Hopefully I will beable to finish my film soon1 I will still continue to post to this blog, hopefully with some finished videos soon!
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Late update
I am not going to upload any more tests at this point, because I want to get on with the film and try and finish it! The next few weeks will probably be very busy and I won't be updating much!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Scene 10: Dog animation
Scene 16 tests
Girl riding on the dog 3
Girl riding on the dog 2
Girl riding on the dog
Scene 42: Test 1
Dog blowing in the wind
Scene 32: Test 3
Scene 32: Walk cycle 2
Scene 32: Walk cycle
Dog walk cycle
Dog run cycle: Test 4
Dog run cycle: Test 3
Dog run cycle: Test 2
Dog run cycle
Scene 20: Test 4
Scene 20: Test 3
Scene 20: Test 2
Scene 20: Test 1
Scene 27: Test 1
Scene 27: Run test 2
Scene 27: Run test
Feedback from a graduate
Scene 33: Test 3
Scene 33: Test 2
Scene 33: Test 1
Scene 10: Detailing 1
Scene 9: Lineart
Scene 9: Test 17
Friday, 25 March 2011
New method of working
Scene 10:Test 4
Scene 10: Test 3
Scene 10: Test 2
Scene 10: Test 1
Scene 12:Test 1
Scene 37: Test 2
Scene 37: Test 1
Scene 9: Test 4
Scene 9: Test 3
Scene 9: Test 2
Scene 9: Test 1
Scene 23: Test 1
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Continuation of scene 9 running tests
Scene 9 running tests
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Tumbnailed run test
Scene 39: Test 5
Scene 39: Test 4
-It works ok, but the shoulder could still use some work. (It will be hidden by the scarf, however)
Scene 39: Test 3
-The inner arm line on frame 8 needs to come out more
-In frame 7 the arm still needs to move more gradually (fixing this might save frame 8)
Scene 39: Test 2
-Make the turn in the shoulder more gradual for the first frame.
-Maybe bring the shoulders a little wider in frame 10
-Maybe don't bring the right shoulder up as much
-In frame 12 bring the shoulders up more
Scene 39: Test 1
After linetesting this, I encountered the following problems:
-Take out frame 13 as it makes the animation jump too much
-The shoulders/torso do not work. Re-enacting in live action showed me that the shoulders/torso might be best if they do not move much. Maybe stretch them back a little
-The Jaw on the last frame comes out too much and it looks sharp. Bring it in a little and make it softer.
- Consider bringing in some of the other jaws too
Scene 39: Rough thumbnails
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Rough order of shots
Shot 39: The girl spots the flower
Shot 9: Girl runs to dog
Shot 23: The other dogs move in on the girl
Shot 37: The dog steals the hat
Shot 12: Close up of clinging girl
Shot 10: Girl meets the dog
Shot 33: The girl crawls in
Shot 27: The girl runs to hug the dog
Shot 20: The girl hits the ground
Shot 32: The girl walks to the tree
Shot 42: The girl reaches for the flower
Shot 43: The picture in the graveyard
Shot 16: The girl looks around the forest
Shot 20: The girl falls from the dog
Shot 13: Leap across the river
Shot 11: The girl gets on the dogs back
Shot 3: Playing with and loosing flower
Shot 31: The girl walks forward
Shot 15: The walk through the forest
Shot 26: The girl picks herself up
Shot 14: Look back to the graveyard
Shot 41: The girl chases the flower
Shot 19: The other dogs join the chase
Shot 21: The girl reaches for her dog
Shot 28: The girl and dog hug
Shot 8: Girl gets up
Shot 17: The dog begins to run again
Shot 38: The girl stands in the field
Shot 34: The girl crawls forward
Shot 6: Girl looks up at dog
Shot 24: The dog has returned
Shot 40: The dog watches on
Shot 35: The end of the tunnel
Shot 44: The empty graveyard
Shot 1: Opening scene (Only in this section because of the moving shadows)
Shot 18: Running paws close up
Shot 29: The girl looks ahead
Shot 2: Staring at grave
Shot 36: The field of flowers
Shot 7: The dog looks down
Shot 25: Close up of the dog
Shot 30: The tree with a hole
Shot 4: Flower blows through graveyard
Shot 5: Flower lands at dogs feet
Shots in order of difficulty
Shots in order of difficulty
Most difficult shots:
Shot 13: Leap across the river
Shot 19: The other dogs join the chase
Shot 37: The dog steals the hat
Shot 20: The girl hits the ground
Shot 11: The girl gets on the dogs back
Shot 27: The girl runs to hug the dog
Difficult shots:
Shot 23: The other dogs move in on the girl
Shot 15: The walk through the forest
Shot 32: The girl walks to the tree
Shot 20: The girl falls from the dog
Shot 28: The girl and dog hug
Shot 33: The girl crawls in
Shot 9: Girl runs to dog
Shot 26: The girl picks herself up
Shot 8: Girl gets up
Medium shots:
Shot 17: The dog begins to run again
Shot 3: Playing with and loosing flower
Shot 41: The girl chases the flower
Shot 31: The girl walks forward
Shot 16: The girl looks around the forest
Shot 34: The girl crawls forward
Shot 10: Girl meets the dog
Shot 12: Close up of clinging girl
Shot 39: The girl spots the flower
Shot 21: The girl reaches for her dog
Shot 42: The girl reaches for the flower
Easy shots:
Shot 40: The dog watches on
Shot 18: Running paws close up
Shot 43: The picture in the graveyard
Shot 6: Girl looks up at dog
Shot 14: Look back to the graveyard
Shot 35: The end of the tunnel
Shot 44: The empty graveyard
Shot 1: Opening scene (Only in this section because of the moving shadows)
Shot 38: The girl stands in the field
Shot 24: The dog has returned
Most easy shots:
Shot 4: Flower blows through graveyard
Shot 5: Flower lands at dogs feet
Shot 36: The field of flowers
Shot 2: Staring at grave
Shot 7: The dog looks down
Shot 25: Close up of the dog
Shot 29: The girl looks ahead
Shot 30: The tree with a hole
Shot breakdowns
Shot 1: Opening scene.
The opening scene introduces us to the graveyard. The scene pans to the right following a blast of wind. Around the graveyard dark shadows move around every so often and it is snowing heavily.
Movement: Pan from left to right of the grave yard
Character animation: N/A
Background/foreground animation: Trees swaying gently in the wind
Other animation: 1) Swirl of stylized wind and snow sweeps across the screen 2)Various shadows move about the graveyard, similar to the blast of wind.
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 2: Staring at grave
Description: Over the shoulder shot of the girl staring at the grave. Wind is blowing and snow is falling heavily.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: Hair and clothing blowing in the wind
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 3: Playing with and loosing flower
Description: Shot of the girl holding the flower in her hands. She moves it gently from side to side before bringing it up slightly as she sighs. After the sigh she returns to staring at the flower until a gust of wind blows across the screen, catching the flower and pulling it from her grasp. In surprise she turns and her eyes follow the flower.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) Hair, clothes and petals blow in the wind throughout 2) Girl plays with the flower, moving it from side to side 3) Girl brings flower up as she gives a big dramatic sigh 4) The flower is pulled from her grasp 5) She looks up in shock and turns to follow the flower with her eyes
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: Stylized wind and snow blows across the screen and pulls the flower from the girls grasp
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 4: Flower blows through the graveyard
Description: The flower blows through the graveyard. It blows up and around one gravestone before continuing to blow up and out of shot
Movement: N/A
Character animation: N/A
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: 1) Flower blows through the graveyard and circles around one gravestone. It moves in a diagonal pattern from the bottom left hand corner to the top right. 2)A stylized wind blows with the flower
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 5: Flower lands at dogs feet
Description: The flower blows across the screen and lands at the dogs feet
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The dogs feet. They stand still unless I have extra time to animate a bit of fur blowing in the wind.
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: 1) The flower blows from the bottom left hand corner to rest at the dogs feet. It moves slightly upwards before floating gently to the ground. 2)The stylized wind follows the flower before dissolving into snow at the dogs feet
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 6: Girl looks up at dog
Description: The girl looks up at the dog in awe. Seen from a high angle, or the dogs point of view. Her hair and clothes blow in the wind.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) Girl looks up in surprise. Eyes widen and mouth opens 2) Hair and clothes blow in the breeze
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 7: The dog looks down
Description: The dog stares down at the girl imperiously. Seen from a low angle, or the girls point of view
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The dogs ears and tail move slightly in the wind
Background/foreground animation: Some branches move gently in the wind
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 8: Girl gets up
Description: Girl smiles happily at the dog and gets up from where she is sitting. She moves towards the dog, as her scarf blows in the wind, bringing the new scene with it.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The girl perks up upon seeing the dog, smiles and lifts herself a little 2) Girl gets up from sitting to standing. Her face is off screen once stood up 3) Girl walks off screen to the right 4) Hair and clothes blow in the wind 5) At the end of the shot the scarf blows across the screen to bring the new scene
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: 1) Snowing heavily 2) Flawless movement into the next scene. Must be done carefully
Shot 9: Girl runs to dog
Description: After the previous scene has gone, the girl runs up from the bottom left hand corner towards the dog. The scene finishes just as she reaches him.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The girl runs carefully towards the dog 2) The dog is mainly still but his ears and tail blow in the wind
Background/foreground animation: Branches move slightly in the wind
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 10: Girl meets the dog
Description: The girl has now reached the dog as she looks at him hesitantly. The dog suddenly moves and she moves back slightly in surprise and a little fear. The dog, however, moves so he is facing the other way, and once he has finished moving he moves to nudge her and maybe lick her comfortingly. She smiles at the dog and then looks at his back, placing her hands gently on his back.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) Girl looks at dog cautiously, smiling nervously 2) Dog turns towards her and turns around so he is facing the other direction 3)Girl moves back quickly when the dog moves, but comes forward again once he has turned 4) The dog nudges her and licks her comfortingly, moving her slightly with the force 5) The girl smiles at the dog before moving her attention to his back, placing her hands on it gently
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 11: The girl gets on the dogs back
Description: The girl climbs onto the dogs back, with the dog dipping down so that she can get on his back easily. Once she is on the dog rises again, letting her get comfortable for a second before suddenly dashing off, the girl clinging to him in surprise as he does so.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl clambers onto the dogs back with little effort 2) The dog dips down slightly to allow the girl to climb on easily, rising again once she is on his back 3) The girl gets comfortable, finally settling on his back 4) The dog tenses and dashes of without warning 5) The girl clings to his neck in surprise as he runs quickly
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 12: Close up of clinging girl
Description: Close up of the girl clinging to the dogs back in surprise. She clings tighter and closes her eyes tight.
Movement: A loop on the spot
Character animation: 1) The girl is moving up and down, hair and clothes blowing in the wind 2) The girl clings tighter to the dog and shuts her eyes tight 3)The dog is running
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 13: Leap across the river
Description: In three giant leaps, the dog bounds effortlessly across a river, the girl clinging tightly to his neck.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The dog takes giant leaps across the screen. One leap takes him to the river, the next across it, leaving the screen from the bottom right hand corner. 2)The girl clings to the dog tightly as the dog leaps, hair and clothes blowing in the wind
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: The river moves quickly, almost violently, and chunks of ice flow past
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 14: Look back to the graveyard
Description: The girl sits back up as the dog sniffs the ground and looks back towards the graveyard briefly before turning to look onwards again.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl sits up and turns back, hair and clothes blowing in the breeze. She eventually turns back to look forward 2) The dog sniffs at the ground
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 15: The walk through the forest
Description: The dog moves through the forest confidently. The girl looks around cautiously, and as they journey through shadowy dogs appear in the trees watching them and disappearing.
Movement: The background and foreground pan from right to left
Character animation: 1) The dog walks slowly through the forest 2) The girl looks around the forest cautiously 3) A shadow dog looks up at the pair in the foreground before moving off screen quickly 4) A dog watches them in the background before fading away 5) A shadow dog runs across the forground
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: The shadow dogs need to appear wraith like
Effects: The snow begins to slow before finally stopping
Shot 16: The girl looks around the forest
Description: The girl looks around the forest worriedly as the dog walks on. In the background a dog appears from behind a tree to watch her before disappearing . The dog suddenly stops and she turns back to look at him in confusion
Movement: Background pans from right to left
Character animation: 1)The dog continues to move forward until he stops suddenly 2) The girl turns around to look around her warily 3) A shadow dog appears in the background watching the pair before disappearing
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: The shadow dogs need to appear wraith like
Effects: N/A
Shot 17: The dog begins to run again
Description: The dog sniffs at the air, looking up while the girl watches him. Suddenly he moves again, dashing off through the forest leaving the girl to cling tightly.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The dog looks upwards and sniffs at the air 2) The girl leans down to look at him curiously 3) The dog suddenly begins running quickly and runs off screen 4) The girl clings tightly to the dog again
Background/foreground animation: Maybe have some branches move if there is time
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 18: Running paws close up
Description: A close up of the dogs paws running. The dogs paws are slowly joined by more dogs paws
Movement: Blurred fast pan on the ground moving from right to left on loop
Character animation: 1)The dogs paws running on a loop 2) A dogs paws run up in the background, looping just ahead of the main dog 3) A dog moves in the foreground, looping just after the main dog
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 19: The other dogs join the chase
Description: The girl looks back in fear as dogs run with them, all looking intimidating and snapping at her. Her dog puts on a fresh burst of speed and she returns to clinging to him as the dogs follow.
Movement: Fast pan from right to left for the background
Character animation: 1) The dog runs at his typical pace before speeding up towards the end 2) The girl looks back at the other dogs in fear, turning to cling to her dog as he runs faster 3) One dog runs in the background 4) One dog runs directly behind, snapping at the little girls scarf 5) Two dogs run in the foreground
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 20: The girl falls from the dog
Description: Close up of the girl who is clinging to the dog. Suddenly something yanks on her scarf and she is pulled backwards, falling off the dog. A shadowy dog can be seen at the side of her helping to push her off
Movement: Blurry fast pan of the background from right to left
Character animation: 1)The girl moves up and down as she rides the dog, looking back in fear, hair and clothes blowing in the wind 2) The girls scarf is yanked back and it unbalances her, pulling her off the dog and causing her to fall off screen 3) The dog is running on a loop 4) A shadowy dog in the background runs and helps to push the girl off the dog
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 21: The girl hits the ground
Description: The girl hits the ground and the other dogs instantly group around her. She moves back from them, eyes wide with terror as they move in closer, menacingly.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl hits the ground and instantly moves back to try and get away from the dogs 2)Three dogs move in towards her slowly and menacingly
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation:N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 22: The girls reaches for her dog
Description: The girl reaches for her dog as he runs off and the other dogs close in on her. In the distance, her dog skids to a stop and looks back
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The little girl reaches out for her dog 2) The three dogs close in on her slowly and menacingly 3) The dog continues to run before skidding to a stop and turning back
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 23: The other dogs move in on the girl
Description: The dogs move in closer to the girl and she shuts her eyes tightly and hides her head in her hands in fear as they get closer. As she hides her head in her hands the dogs look up suddenly, and begin to slink off, fading into shadow. The girl looks up in surprise once the dogs have left and turns around to look in the direction her dog went
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The little girl watches the dogs in fear before moving to hide her head in er hands 2) The two dogs in shot move closer towards the girl, growling menacingly 3) The girl jerks up in surprise and turns to look to the left
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 24: The dog has returned
Description: Over the shoulder shot with the little girl looking at the dog who has returned and is wagging his tail happily at her
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The dog moves forward slightly, wagging his tail 2) The girl moves forward a little, bringing her hand to her mouth in surprise
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 25: Close up of the dog
Description: Close up of the dog looking at the girl.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The dog looks at the girl happily, maybe perks his ears a little and pants happily
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 26: The girl picks herself up
Description: The girl smiles and wipes a stray tear away and picks herself up off the floor, standing up with her head going off screen
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The girl smiles and wipes away a tear, before pulling herself up and her body beginning to go off screen
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 27: The girl runs to hug the dog
Description: The girl and the dog watch each other, before taking a hesitant step forward. The girl begins to run and throws herself into the dog, hugging him tightly
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1) The girl watches the dog as the wind blows, taking a hesitant step forward, before breaking into a run and throwing herself at the dog, hugging him tightly and swinging her legs around slightly 2)The dog watched the girl, taking a hesitant step forward, wagging his tail, and taking a few more step forward as the girl runs to hug him, wrapping a paw around her when she hugs him
Background/foreground animation:N/A
Other animation:N/A
Shot 28: The girl and dog hug
Description: The girl tightens the hug, smiling happily, before they pull away from each other, the girl smiling at the dog, who nudges her and looks towards the left. The girl follows his gaze
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl tightens the hug, smiling happily 2)The dog nuzzles her, wagging his tail 3)The girl pulls away from the dog and looks up at him smiling 4)The dog looks down at the girl, and then nudges the girl before looking towards the left 5) The girl is pushed by the nudge, before following the dogs gaze to the left and looking on in surprise
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 29: The girl looks ahead
Description: The girl looks towards the left curiously
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl looks to the left, her hair and clothes blow in the wind 2)The dog looks on, probably doesn't move
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 30: The tree with a hole
Description: Shot of the tree with a hole
Movement: Maybe zoom in slightly
Character animation: N/A
Background/foreground animation: Maybe some branches move, but it isn't important
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 31: The girl walks forward
Description: The girl stares ahead and the dog nudges her forward encouragingly. She looks back at him briefly before walking forward, the dog following her
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl stares ahead with the wind blowing her a little 2)The dog nudges the girl gently 3)The girl is nudged, moving forward a little before catching herself and turning to look at the dog briefly 4)The girl walks forward 5)The dog follows the girl
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 32: The girl walks to the tree
Description: The girl walks into shot from the bottom right hand corner and walks to the tree, followed by the dog. She then crouches down to look inside the hole
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl walks into shot from the bottom right hand corner 2)The dog follows the girl closely 3)The girl reaches the tree and crouches down to look into the hole, sticking an arm out to the tree for balance
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 33: The girl crawls in
Description: The girl stares into the tunnel before being nudged by the dog again and finally crawling into the tunnel and off frame. The dog follows after her.
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl stares into the tunnel 2)The dog nudges her encouragingly 3)The girl crawls into the tunnel and off screen 4)The dog follows the girl into the tunnel
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: After the dog has disappeared the scene changes to rock as a scene change. It might pan around to the right instead so it is facing the tunnel wall
Shot 34: The girl crawls forward
Description: The girl crawls onto screen and then loops crawling just before the middle. A drop of water drips onto her nose, and she stops to rub the water off her nose. The dog comes up next to her, and she smiles at him before coming distracted and looking forward again. The dog also looks forward. The girl looks surprised and a bright white light shines into the tunnel and engulfs them
Movement: Background pan from right to left
Character animation: 1)Girl crawls onto screen from the right and loops the crawling just off centre. 2) A drop of water drips onto her nose and she stops surprised, rubbing the water from her nose and turning to smile at the dog 2)The dog comes up behind her and looks at her 3)The little girl looks forward in surprise 4)The dog looks forward
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: A drop of water falls onto the girls nose
Effects: A bright white light appears at the end on the left hand side and engulf them
Shot 35: The end of the tunnel
Description: The pair exit the tunnel into a field of flowers, they stand at the exit staring
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl stands at the exit and watches the field, hair and clothes blowing in the breeze 2) The dog comes up behind the girl and watches the field, ears and tail blowing in the breeze
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 36: The field of flowers
Description: The girl and the dog look on at the field of flowers
Movement: The background pans around in a circle from left to right
Character animation: 1) The girl looks on, hair and clothes blowing in the wind 2)The dog ooks on, ears blowing in the wind
Background/foreground animation: Background pan from left to right
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 37: The dog steals the hat
Description: The girl looks on with the dog, and then then dog looks at her before reaching off and tugging her hat from her head before running off with it. The girl smiles watching after him
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The girl watches on, hair and clothes blowing in the wind 2)The dog watches the girl before jumping up excitedly and tugging her hat off her head. He prances around before running off scree 3)The girl moves to grab the hat before watching the dog run off with a grin
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 38: The girl stands in the field
Description: The girl stands alone in the field as the wind blows gently. Behind her the tree fades away
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The girl watches the field with a smile, hair and clothes blowing in the wind
Background/foreground animation: The tree behind the girl fades away
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 39: The girl spots the flower
Description: The girl closes her eyes peacefully and he wind blows through her hair. A flower dances past and she spots it, following it with her eyes with a smile on her face
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The girl closes her eyes and smiles peacefully, before opening them and spotting a flower. With a smile her eyes follow it
Background/foreground animation: A flower blows across the screen
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 40: The dog watches on
Description: The dog watches the girl from underneath a tree, ears and tail blowing slightly in the wind. The dog yawns
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The dog watches the girl before yawning widely, ears and tail blowing in the wind
Background/foreground animation: N/A
Other animation: Possibly have the hat blow in the wind, but it isn't essential
Effects: N/A
Shot 41: The girl chases the flower
Description: The dog watches on as the girl runs across the screen chasing after the flower. She stops as the flower does, turning in a full circle
Movement: N/A
Character animation: 1)The dog watches on peacefully, ears blowing in the wind before he ducks down out of site 2)The girl runs across the screen with her arms out, trying to catch the flower, she turns a half circle as she tries to catch it, and then jumps up a little
Background/foreground animation: The flower blows across the screen before blowing upwards
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 42: The girl reaches for the flower
Description: A high angle showing the girl reaching for the flower with a smile on her face. Flowers blow across the screen
Movement: N/A
Character animation: The girl reaches up for the flower, with her arm sweeping across the screen as it comes up to reach for the flower. She is smiling and the wind blows across her face
Background/foreground animation: The flower floats about the screen, and is joined by many more flowers
Other animation: N/A
Effects: N/A
Shot 43: The picture in the graveyard
Description: The flowers in the previous scene morph into flowers except for one, which floats across the screen before settling on a gravestone next to a picture of the little girl
Movement: The camera zooms out slowly
Character animation: N/A
Background/foreground animation: 1)The flowers all morph into snow 2)One flower floats across the screen and settles on a gravestone next to a picture
Other animation: N/A
Effects: Snowing heavily
Shot 44: The empty graveyard
Description: After the shot has finished zooming out, shadows dance across the screen, morphing into dog shapes. A shadowy dog runs across the foreground
Movement: N/A
Character animation: A shadowy dog runs across the screen in the foreground
Background/foreground animation: Branches move in the wind
Other animation: Shadows dance across the screen, morphing into shapes that resemble dogs
Effects: Snowing heavily